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A possible way forward

First, don't stress yourself about finding a solution. Instead, give yourself time.
Just for the time being, accept that you are likely to have panic attacks again.
You probably want them to go away right away. Dealing with them well may be a good second-best solution for now.
Remember that panic attacks feel terrible, but they are not dangerous. The fact is that you have survived every one of them.

Getting well

Take your time. If the solution were simple, you would have found it already.
Panic attacks do not mean that there is something wrong with you.
Panic attacks can be a sign that something in your life is hurting you. Don't try too hard to find the trigger. Instead, look at the bigger picture of your life.
If panic attacks have a useful side, you may come to respect them in time. You do not need to like them. It's ok to be ambivalent.
If you can't find or afford a therapist, most countries have free services. Be sure to try them.

Panic Attack Help

A panic attack is when you suddenly feel extremely scared or anxious without a clear reason. It’s like your body’s alarm system goes off when there’s no actual danger. During a panic attack, you might have a pounding heart, sweat a lot, shake, feel dizzy, or have trouble breathing. It can feel very overwhelming and scary, but it usually passes after a few minutes. Panic attacks can happen to anyone, but some people experience them more often. It’s important to know that while they feel very intense, they’re not dangerous and there are ways to help you manage them.

Based in Zurich, Switzerland