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Helpful metaphors to carry you through a panic attack – Panic Attack Help

During a panic attack, a small part of you is very loud. This part may make you feel that your life is in danger. Your logical mind may not work well during such a time. So it can be helpful to have a story to hold on to. That way you can allow part of you to go through the panic attack while another part of you remembers that you are actually safe.

It may be a bit like being in a dream and then realizing that you are dreaming; you may continue to dream, but you know that it is not real.

Examples that might help you

Imagine you are in a car driving down the highway. You are sitting in the passenger seat and watching the world go by. Eventually you will reach your destination, but it may take a while.
Imagine a place where you feel completely safe. It could be a place you have been, or it could be a place in your imagination. Beyond that place a storm is raging. You may get a little wet, but you know that the core of you is safe. Here you can ride out the storm.

Try experimenting with different metaphors to find one that makes you feel safe during a panic attack. Then practice it whenever you feel overwhelmed by fear or anxiety. The more you use it, the better it will work because your brain will begin to learn that not everything you experience is real.

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