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How to find a good therapist – Panic Attack Help

Finding a therapist who is right for you is central to your progress. Only you can know who is the right person to work with you. It is your choice, and ultimately your responsibility, to choose someone who fits your personality and your current situation. The following ideas may help you make this decision.

Check before the session...

You may want to start by learning about the different schools of therapy (e.g., behavioral therapy and systemic psychotherapy). Try to get a sense of whether they might be right for you.
The therapist should have good professional training. Ideally, they have a degree in psychology.
Depending on the issues you are facing, you may want to consider a therapist who is of the same sex / gender as you.

Observe during the sessions...

Your therapist should never put pressure on you.
Your therapist should show empathy while maintaining a professional distance. They are your sparring partner, not your friend.
Your therapist should treat you as an equal. You should feel empowered.
Your therapist may make suggestions. Whether or not you accept them is up to you.
Give it time.

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